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I was the first child of my joint-family and was extremely lucky to be jointly brought up by my parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts.
 My grandpa had shifted his family from Pakistan during partition. As a kid, I saw my elders reading newspapers in various languages. Hindi, English and Urdu newspapers were a must read in our house early in the morning. My grandma and mother read in the afternoon because of so loads of housework. 
My father introduced me and my brother, at a very early age,  to ‘Champak’, Loatpoat( लोटपोट), Silbil Gilbil, Paraag, which were basically storybooks. Amarchitrakathas were the next to enter our lives and I remember being mesmerized with the pictorial stories of Rani Padmavati, Shakuntala, Tanaji Malusare, Shivaji and the likes. 
This was apart from our regular school studies and a host of activities. Mandrake, Vikram aur Vaital, Tintin, Archies, Enid Blyton soon became synonymous with our childhood as I slowly graduated to Mills and Boons, Sidney Sheldon, etc. 
When my father wanted us to read the newspaper I protested. I found it boring and wanted to read only story books in my free time. My father warned me of dire cosequences if I did not become well conversant with politics, sports news, national and international affairs. Newspaper was a must read. He forced it on us with strictness and to my amazement we became addicted to it. 
I never looked back and the editorial page of The Tribune( Chandigarh based newspaper) soon became a thing to wait for every morning. I was hooked. And it helped me a great deal. The views of inspiring minds helped shape my ideologies. Later when I got married, I was one other few ladies who were abreast with everything happening around and could converse on any topic.
That, my dear friends is the power of ‘reading’ and the importance of inculcating this awesome habit in your kids. Start now, if u havent started reading yet. Gift your children and loved ones books. Read with them. Encourage them. 
Yesssss……’Books are our best friends’… order a book today!


I am 56 yrs old performing artist/trainer, Author and Life-Skills Coach. I am a postgraduate in English and a B.Ed. I help people transform their mindset to realize their full potential, be it Performing Arts or Life-Skills.

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